Dane and I spent a week and a bit in Winnipeg with my parents! Dane did very well on the 11 hour drive, he didnt cry once! We had fun visiting our old houses, eating Salisbury House cheese nips and waffer pie, Junior's Fat Boy burgers, Gondola pizza, and Jeannie's Bakery cake! My mom and dad took me to the Hotel Fort Gary where they had their wedding reception which was amazing! And we went down to the Forks. We got to visit family, I met one of my cousins for the first time! It was a great trip! We had really good weather, and stayed at a great hotel that had 2 pools, one inside and one out!

Dane turned 9 months old while we were in Winnipeg. He has started to do so many fun new things!

- he crawls normally and only army crawls on the hardwood floor sometimes

- he pulls himself up on everything and is tries to move from the couch to the coffee table

- he can walk along the furniture

- he loves to stand in front of the washing machine

- his favorite room is the bathroom

- he loves yogurt and fruit

- he doesn't like peas or squash anymore

- he has 2 teeth and 1 fang. His front teeth and a bottom tooth are also making an appearance.

- he loves his stroller and going for walks

- he loves the bath tub and splashes like a maniac

- he is super happy and smiles and giggles at everyone! (except for when he is tired then he is super grouchy!)

- he loves playing with doors, but paper is still his favorite toy!

- he gets really excited when I open a book for him

Dane is growing up too fast, and getting too smart! We love him more and more every day!

Dane and Grandma Barbara

The Nordquist family!

Salisbury House Cheese Nip with special sauce and fried onions!

The Nelson family!

Dane and NTDB
Grandpa Nelson!
4 generations picture!

Driving with Papa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting pics I am glad that you posted the one with grandpa Nelson, have not seen a pic of him in years. Your little boy is getting so big and more handsome.