18 Months!

Dane was 18 months old on Sunday. He still felt like my baby until we brought Logan home. He is growing up too fast and learning and doing so many new things everyday! He has been such a good brother so far! I love watching him interact with Logan. He tries to give Logan soothers, he shares his cars and gives lots of kisses!

Looking out the window. He's so excited cause there was a dog!
At 18 months Dane is
- running everywhere! He has a lot of energy!
- loves being outside! Even if it's cold and snowing like it was yesterday! He can open the doors at grandpa and grandma wildes house and he got out yesterday. We found him running down the driveway!
- loves cars trucks and anything with wheels. He always is carrying at least 3 cars around with him.
- has 1 longish nap during the day at lunch and usually sleeps through the night 730 til 830-9am!
- is learning to talk! He can say a few words but I think only we are able to decipher what he's saying lol! he says - stuck- bottle - diaper - dad - dog - cheese - more- mom- papa-
and he signs - finished(all done) and bed
- he loves to wave bye and blow kisses
- he still has his 2 favorite blankets that he wraps himself up in
- is still a big boy - I don't know how much he weighs or how tall he is any more but he is wearing size 2t-3t clothes and size 6 shoes.
- is getting new teeth all the time and loves getting his teeth brushed - well most the time he loves it!
- has a great arm already and loves to use it!

Playing cars.
We love our Dane! He is so happy all the time and is constantly making us laugh! We are very proud parents!

Danes kissy face.
I am looking forward to summer time so Dane and I can play in our great backyard! We moved over a month ago to a house a few blocks away from my parents! We were living in my parents brand new basement suite for the past yearish! It was so nice to be in a brand new place with my parents close by to help babysit Dane! We decided to move so we could have a bit more space for 2 boys and this house was great since its so close to my parents! I work with my mom so when it's nice out I can just walk the 800m over there!
This is the best "swing" ever! Its a mamaroo by 4moms! 

Baby Logan
Baby Dane

Do they look alike?

1 comment:

The Dudleys said...

I want that swing! Well if I was having a new baby maybe I would LOL. Cute boys and they totally look alike!